Full-Stack E-Commerce – HTML5 | CSS3 | Bootstrap 5 | Django | Python | PostgreSQL | SEO | Web Marketing | E-Commerce | Stripe |  Amazon S3
This project is an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for a fictitious e-commerce store. Users can freely browse products, explore artist profiles, subscribe to our MailChimp-powered newsletter, register, add items to the shopping bag, and securely complete payments via Stripe*.
Throughout this project, I've put into practice the skills gained from the course, including:
🧩 Javascript
🐍 Python
🚀 Django
🛢️ PostgreSQL
🧪 Software Testing
🗓 Agile Methodology
📈 Web Marketing
🛒 E-commerce
💳 Stripe
🖼 Amazon S3
Creating a photography-centric shop was an intended choice to add a personal touch. As an enthusiastic photographer, the showcased photos on the website are my own (the featured artists are purely fictional).

*For testing purposes, feel free to use a Stripe test card number like 4242 4242 4242 4242, expiry date in the future (e.g., 04/24), and any three-digit CVC.
Check the live website here
The repository is available on GitHub.
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